The Let's Play Archive


by BisbyWorl

Part 131: Week 5 Information Matrix - Assassin

Information Matrix - Assassin

No Second Strike posted:

Li Shuwen's blows are almost always fatal, whether he throws a hard blow designed to kill or a simple feint to draw his opponent into an attack. A saying that has managed to survive the passing of years is, "For Li Shuwen, a second strike is needless." It is this saying from which his Noble Phantasm gets its name.

To be accurate, this isn't a Noble Phantasm in the traditional sense of the term. Rather, it is the ultimate expression of the true power possible by mastering the martial arts. Li Shuwen is considered to be one of the very few to have gained total mastery over his style, and in fact was believed to have transcended the need for physical attacks, instead defeating his opponents by engulfing them in Chi.

There is much debate as to whether Li Shuwen actually uses his Chi to defeat his opponents, although the very few who have managed to survive a confrontation with him report suffering all of the effects associated with this type of attack, such as obscured senses, heightened state of paranoia, and the feeling that their nervous system was under almost unendurable strain.

A second strike isn't needed posted:

This was the second name given to one of the strongest practitioners of kung fu in Bajiquan history. Considered to be the ultimate master of Bajiquan, it is said that this person was able to take the life of his opponents with a single gentle touch.

Obfuscation posted:

A skill used to completely conceal one's presence.

Although this ability allows the user to become almost completely invisible, the sheer amount of magical energy required almost screams out that some form of thaumaturgy is being used. Should this person's opponent be a skilled magus, their presence would be noticeable in some extrasensory fashion.

There is a way to achieve this state of being without the use of any kind of magical aid and using only the abilities inherent within one's own physical form, but the level of concentration required is far beyond what humans are capable of.

Obfuscation (-) posted:

While a common skill of all Servants of the Assassin Class, the level to which he is able to almost completely obscure his presence goes far above the limits normally associated with this ability.

Liuhe Quan (A+++) posted:

A Chinese meditative ideal. It is a belief that true mastery of martial arts comes not through training, but acceptance. As this technique is extremely difficult to understand, let alone master, it is only when achieving the rank of A that one is thought to have actually begun to learn. Those with ranks exceeding A are considered true masters of the art.

Concealment (A) posted:

A technique in which one uses their Chi to blend in with the whole of their surroundings. For masters of the ability, it is possible for them to truly become one with the world and have their very forms seem to become invisible.

Character Background posted:

Li Shuwen (1864-1934).

A Chinese martial arts master from Yanshan County, Hebei-Cangzhou. One of the foremost practitioners of the style known as Bajiquan, he was so powerful that many remarked that with him, "a second strike is needless as long a single blow will suffice."

In addition to his skills in hand-to-hand combat, he was also supremely talented in the use of the spear, so much so that he earned the name "Divine Spear Li." His occasional use of this weapon sometimes causes his opponents to mistakenly classify him as a Lancer. While this wouldn't normally be entirely incorrect, due to his Master's desire for a stealthy Servant capable of killing from the shadows, the traits more associated with the Assassin class have come to the fore.

On a final note, since his ability to become invisible is based on his natural abilities and not on any form of thaumaturgy, he is all but undetectable to the vast majority of magi or anyone dependent on magic.

Master of the Demonic Fist posted:

Li Shuwen, Master of the Demon Fist. One of the few undisputed masters of martial arts, he maintains a delicate balance between the innate goodness and inherent evil found in all men. He fell victim to poison after earning the undying hatred of the countless families of those he had killed.

As a Servant, the balance he maintained in life has slipped slightly, but he still values rationality greatly. While he does not see much difference between good and evil, he will react with disgust and utter contempt for those who stray from rational thinking. And for those who allow what Christians call "The Seven Deadly Sins" to overwhelm their lives, he brings swift and inevitable death.

Although he was known as a deadly fighter throughout his life, in his later years he discovered that true power lay not in the strength of his fists, but in the strength of his convictions. He spent the remainder of his life following the path of valor, not violence.

He freely acknowledges that in his current incarnation he is nothing more than a professional killer, but does so without bitterness or regret. And although he uses his powers as Julius directs, could it be that...?

Combat lines:

Battle start

Alright, what's okay to break?


Shall we begin?


Command selection

Ugh, this is boring. Julius, mind if I play a bit?

It's mere child's play no matter how you spin it. Just end it. (High health)


How weak, how weak. Your kung fu is lacking. (High health)


You're no match. (High health)


Haha! The world is vast. Just how I like it!

Don't enjoy this, Assassin. Hurry up and get serious. (Low health)


Hahahaha! Well done, splendid, splendid! (Low health)


Suffering will end with this... (Low health)


You withstood my technique?

I don't believe it… How did you survive? (NP survived)


Normal attacks

Not happening! (Counter)


Well now! (Break)


That's it for you. (Extra turn)


Die like a dog. (Consecutive Extra turn)



Ohh...? Did you get past my sphere boundary?

Don't struggle! (Enemy Extra turn)


Haha! I'll have to fight seriously against you!

Did they find a weak point of mine? (Consecutive enemy Extra turn)


Ahh, what fantastic technique... (Defeated)



I'll build up my ki for a bit. (Focused Chi)


Witness the art of war firsthand! (Heightened Chi)


With perfect form, enveloped in the spirit of yang! (Charged Chi)


My Bajiquan only needs one hit! Fuun! Haaa! (No Second Strike)


Seven wounds gushing blood... crumple over and die! (No Second Strike)